Top eBook Reading Formats

The most important ebook format are always the ones that work on the device or devices you own but if you have a choice the most important ones are the ones that have the most eBook dealers or most eBooks available. Today these formats include AZW Amazon, MOBI MobiPocket, PNPd Palm eReader, and ePub. Another very popular format is PDF from Adobe. However, it does not tend to work as well on portable mobile devices due to the screen size. It is more suited to computers since it often expects full paper size pages

AZW which is the same as MOBI but the DRM is different. You often see TXT with TXT no formatting and HTML with eBook readers often ignores any complicated formatting. More general purpose portable devices will have loadable applications for other formats.


ePub is an open format defined by the Open eBook Forum of the International Digital Publishing Forum. It is based on XHTML and XML along with optional CSS style sheets. Its predecessor was the OEB standard. Specifications are found at the IDPF web site. Some epub files have drm protection on eBook if you need to remove drm from epub first before reading.

MOBI is the format used by the MobiPocket Reader. It may have a .mobi extension or it may have a .prc extension. The extension can be changed by the user to either of the accepted forms. In either case it may be DRM protected or non-DRM. The .prc extension is used because the PalmOS doesn't support any file extensions except .prc or .pdb. Note that Mobipocket prohibits their DRM format to be used on dedicated eBook readers that support other DRM formats

PDF - Portable Document Format created by Adobe for their Acrobat products. It is the defacto standard for document interchange. Software support exists for almost every computer platform and handheld device. Some devices have problems with PDF since most content available is scaled for either A4 or letter format, both of which are not easily readable when reduced to fit on small screens. Some Readers can reflow some PDF documents, including the Sony PRS505, to accommodate the small screen. Some eBook readers, including the iRex iLiad, have a pan-and-zoom feature that aids readability, but extracts a price in ergonomics. Some PDF files have drm protection on eBook if you need to remove drm from pdf first with pdf drm removal before reading.

Par istonsoft le mercredi 01 juin 2011


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