Lundi 23 mai 2011

How to remove drm from epub file

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Sony announced last week that its newest Sony Reader will support the International Digital Publishing Forum's (IDPF) standard EPUB format for e-books.  In addition, the device (model PRS-505) will support Adobe's ADEPT DRM, meaning that publishers can create DRM-protected e-books for the Sony Reader with Adobe InDesign CS3 using Adobe's Digital Editions technology.


The IDPF's EPUB format is a set of specifications that the e-book standards body (formerly the Open eBook Forum) released almost two years ago.  The book publishing industry has been pushing for EPUB to be adopted throughout the e-book value chain.


This guide below will teach you how to remove DRM from ePub with ePub DRM Removal. Follow the steps below to remove ePub DRM step by step. Download the needed ePub DRM removal via the following button:



Please note, to make the iPubsoft ePub DRM removal run normally, you need to install the Adobe Digital Editions first. Download it here:


Then add ePub eBook to Adobe Digital Editions just like the following picture shows.


After installing the Adobe Digital Editions, install the ePub DRM Removal. Then do as the following steps:


Step 1: Run ePub DRM Removal. Then click "Input..." to add the ePub file which you wanna remove DRM from.


Step 2: Click "Output..." to select a folder to save the decrypted ePub file.

Step 3: After selecting the input file and output folder, click "Remove DRM" button to start removing DRM from ePub files.


After removing, a window will pop up to tell you that the file is decrypted successfully. If a window of "File decrypted failed" appears, it means that you have no the right to remove DRM from the input ePub file. And if a window of "Not a DRM file" appears, it means that the input ePub file have no DRM protection.


Step 4: Once the ePub DRM removal done, you can click "Open Output Folder" button to open the output folder.


After you remove DRM from ePub file, you can read ePub books on any portable eBook readers, such as iPad/iPad 2/iPad 3, iPhone, iPod touch, Sony Reader, Kobo, Nook, Mobipocket, and so on!

Par istonsoft - 0 commentaire(s)le 23 mai 2011
Mardi 03 mai 2011

How to Add third-party apps to the iPhone

A new process for jailbreaking and allowing the installation of non-sanctioned third-party applications to the iPhone has debuted. It's called AppSnapp, and is unique in two respects: it automates the process on iPhones running software/firmware 1.1.1 (previous methods were multi-step), and it can be completed purely using the iPhone; no interaction with a Mac or Windows computer (as with previous methods) is required.

The process will jailbreak the iPhone or iPod Touch then push to the device, which contains a catalog of native applications that can be installed directly over a WiFi or EDGE connection.

In order to perform the procedure, you simply need to navigate to on an iPhone or iPod Touch, then click the -Install AppSnap" button at the bottom of the page. After a few seconds, you will be presented with the -Slide to Unlock" screen (if you have your iPhone set to -lock" quickly, you may need to press the home button after the screen goes dark). After sliding to unlock, you'll have the -Installer" icon on your screen.

The first thing you should do is tap the -Installer" icon, then tap -Sources" and install the -Community Sources" package.

Next you'll want to install the BSD Subsystem and OpenSSH, also under -System."

Finally, you'll need an application launcher. There's XLaunch under -System" and others. Note that some of these utilities require an iPhone and won't work on an iPod Touch.

For further information, see iPhone Atlas' iPhone native applications guide.

Though this particular method for jailbreaking the iPhone makes use of a TIFF overflow exploit, unlike the previous multi-step method, the developers of AppSnap claim that the process also patches the vulnerability after exploiting it.

The full feature list, from the developers:

1.Jailbreaks iPhone/iPod Touch on 1.1.1

2.Patches Springboard to load third party apps

3.Activates non-AT&T iPhones automatically, while leaving already activated phones alone

4.Fixes YouTube on non-AT&T iPhones automatically, while leaving already activated phones alone

5.Installs v3.0b5 on the iPhone/iPod Touch

6.Fixes Apple's TIFF bug, making your device MORE secure than it was without AppSnapp.

There are even instructions for getting to Safari (so the process can be run) on a non-activated iPhone. Here is another guide on how to transfer iphone file to computer with istonsoft iphone to computer transfer.

Par istonsoft - 0 commentaire(s)le 03 mai 2011

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